Future Projects

The Mount Ward Alumni Association is extremely grateful for all the support received over the years. Through the generosity of our many supporters, we are proud to have helped in creating a positive learning environment for the students at Mount Ward Primary School, allowing them to achieve academic excellence.

There is however a great deal of work that remains to be done. With continued support, the Mount Ward Alumni Association aims to realize the following goals for the school and its students.

Expansion of the school facility.

The school in its current form was built in 1958, with the capacity to accommodate approximately 140 students. There are now over 220 children attending Mount Ward Primary School, resulting in severe overcrowding.

– Paving the driveway and landscaping the grounds and play areas.

Paving the driveway and having the grounds properly landscaped will allow for more useable space and play areas for the students during recess.

– The construction of a netball court

In our continued efforts to promote healthy lifestyles and physical fitness amongst the students, the Mount Ward Alumni Association aims to have a netball court constructed.

(Netball was derived from early versions of basketball, and is the number one women’s sport in Jamaica, as well as the number one team sport on the island)